Employment Opportunities

The faculty of Bright Water Waldorf School is seeking colleagues to join our experienced staff and our dedicated parent body. Bright Water School is a vibrant community working towards its mission to support families and serve the greater community out of our continually deepening understanding and practice of Waldorf education.

Bright Water Waldorf School welcomes, values, and supports ethnic, religious, economic and cultural diversity. Our school seeks a diverse faculty and student body and is committed to having our school reflect the abundant and changing diversity of the United States. We welcome, value, and support single, dual, or multiple parent households and LGBTQ+ parents, faculty and/or students.

Our programs include a Kindergarten for ages 3-6 and Grades 1-8. Grade school classes have a full range of subject classes including Japanese, Aikido, Woodwork, Strings, Band, Movement, and Handwork.

We are part of the active and growing Waldorf network in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest and enjoy a supportive and close relationship with our neighboring Waldorf schools. We are located within the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington in the International District.

Seattle is the gem of the Pacific Northwest; within easy access from downtown are opportunities for skiing, sailing, biking, and hiking. Also nearby are the Hoh Rain Forest and Mt. Rainier. The city itself is a conglomeration of many neighborhoods, each with its own spirited flavor.

We are seeking creative individuals who inspire students, have an active interest in the world and other cultures, and would enjoy actively engaging in the work of the school.

Open Positions

Grade 1 Teacher

To apply send a letter of interest, resume, and references to hiring@brightwaterwaldorf.org